The Orsogna comes in a box with excellently produced contents.

Advancing Fire has recently released ORSOGNA, a HASL set in Abruzzo in December 1943. centres on the fierce fighting in which the British 8th Army attempted to break through the German Gustaf Line along the Moro River. Amongst other battles the Battles I to IV of Orsogna saw fierce fighting between the 2nd New Zealand Division and the German 26th Armoured Division. Latter was supported by parts of the Fallschirmjäger, Gebirgsjäger and the 65. Infanterie-Division. The town itself was the subject of further fighting between Canadians and German paratroopers until February 1944 and was only fully liberated in July 1944.

The scenarios are accompanied by exceptionally comprehensive historical information. The accompanying Rulebook & Interviews leaflet contain some categorising information on the battles. An extensive bibliography is also included, but most of the information seems to come from the Orsogna 1943 book. I find it gratifying that an Italian publisher is taking on the realisation of the Italian WW2 campaign for historical ASL. After all, it is a campaign that stretches from the landing on Sicily on 10 July 1943 to the surrender on 5 May 1945. In contrast, if you look at the large number of scenarios for the landing operations on 6 June 1944, the Italian theatre of war still seems underrepresented to me. The only other similar publication I know of is Crossing the Moro by Lone Canuck Publishing.

Comonwealth Maori and German Fallschirmjäger units

Two additional counter sheets of units depict New Zealand Maori, New Zealand Sherman tanks and German and Italian paratroopers specifically for the Battle of Orsogna. Do we actually need them? Well, not really for the game, but of course they are a nice addition to our collection and make our hearts beat faster. So, yes, we do need them… 😉

Orsogna has a map in 4 parts, which require a total area of 233 cm x 78 cm or about 92 inches x 31 inches. Fortunately, it just about fits on my living room table, even if I have to go somewhere else for meals. The terrain is depicted more realistically than on the usual geoboards. This can make it difficult to distinguish between Woods and Brush. The latter also appears in irregular clumps without clear boundaries. We’ll see what effect this has in the game.

Like many HASL, Orsogna has many specific rules and terrain types that differentiate it from the regular ASL rules. Notable they feature Building-Road, gently sloped Hill, Crater, Haystack, Cobblestone Road, Reed Bed, and more. I have yet to figure out how this will play out in the scenarios and campaign games. All in all this package looks interesting and full of gaming options.

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